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New York Day Five

Sunday we got cars (and car seats) and moved on to the Priesthood Restoration Cite in Pennsylvania. We stopped at a small diner for lunch and enjoyed the best fries ever. We took a moment to power up the jukebox and dance too. We were all immediately blown away with the beauty of this place. 

Eisley's photography skills

Kaybree requested staying with us, away from the family, in a more quiet place at this site, which was great. We really got to discuss with her the importance of the priesthood and of taking time to receive answers in general. 

I can absolutely imagine why angels would appear here.

The maple grove where the priesthood was restored to the earth was beautiful. I got to sit and nurse Aspen among the trees. You could hardly see the sky beyond the roof of tree branches. It was so peaceful. Kaybree took daddy’s hand and stood away from the group and enjoyed the peaceful feeling. We really loved sitting with her and talking about that feeling of peace. It’s interesting that Joseph Smith received so much inspiration in the woods.

The Susquehanna river was just as peaceful. The trees by the river look like they easily could have been there 200 years ago. It was so cool to sit back and listen to the birds and imagine what that baptism experience was like.

We got to the house late and scoped out our rooms for the night.
