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New York Day four

Saturday- Kaybree and I went to her practice while Brendon took Eisley and Aspen with his mom. Kaybree made friends quickly in the waiting room and when she went on stage I learned I would get to watch her perform from the front row--because volunteers were needed to make sure no kids fell off the stage. The concert was beautiful. The venue was amazing. Getting out was a challenge. 

Kids playing hide and seek.

We had to wait for all the other kids to get picked up first and there was only one location to pick up children so by the time we got out of the building it was almost dinner time. We had planned on going back to the house to change after the concert so we could come back to the city at night but it was clear if we did that we wouldn’t be back into the city until 8 and it was not going to work out. Instead we bought the girls a couple hot dogs and walked to Times Square. 

We bought M&Ms and a cute Christmas ornament and then found the subway. Only a few trains were running that evening which meant the ones that were running were PACKED. It was a miserable ride home.

I was bummed we were home so early on our last night in the city until we found out there was a major power outage in the city. Subway trains were stopped. Half of Times Square was out. We would have been trapped had we stayed! We were so lucky to make it home safely.

The final concert at Carnegie Hall was cancelled because of the power outage. The conductors took practice outside and videos of the MCO choir singing in the street went viral. It was really cool to see those beautiful songs performed out on the busy streets of New York and to know that music was reaching thousands more than we had hoped.

I loved seeing all the history in New York. The buildings were beautiful and I could have eaten every half hour and been happy—there were so many food options I wanted to try! If it had been Brendon and me alone it would have been much more enjoyable but it was difficult trying to keep an eye on the girls and give them breaks. They wanted to be held everywhere and it was just not possible. Aspen was our best traveler. It was easy to breastfeed her and keep her happy. I even breastfed while we walked to Times Square. She fell asleep every time we walked with her in the carrier. People were happy to offer directions and give up their seats when they saw her. It was really nice.
