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New York Day Seven

Tuesday we started the day with a quick game of football in the grass before heading to the Whitmer farm where the translation of the Book of Mormon was completed and the first meetings of the church were held. We saw a snake there in the grass. It started to rain as we were leaving and it rained as we drove back to our home. We made a stop at Chase Farms and got to feed some goats and order some delicious ice cream sundaes. Barb and Richard bought some fresh cherries and even though the girls said they don’t like cherries they ate them all.

Aspen did NOT like that we sat next to her but didn't hold her in the car. She cried a LOT!


We saw the pageant

That evening I sat with Kaybree outside and we found slugs, snails and rolly polly bugs. I love that Kaybree is such a girly girl but she also loves chasing bugs and wildlife and she has no fear of picking up bugs. She didn’t want to stop!
We had to stop though to get to the Hill Cumorah Pageant. It was cool to see so many people performing on the hillside but we agreed the show was a bit dated.

We LOVED being in the countryside. The houses were so cute and full of character. The fields were beautiful and there was so much GREEN! I can’t imagine living in a neighborhood with trees as your fence and creeks running through your yard. I wish we could give that to our girls.
