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What to expect when you're expecting--a teen.

This is my favorite foster parenting campaign ever:

I'd actually appreciate it if someone would write this book. Cause fostering a teen is weird. Lots of people get excited when you bring a baby into your life. There are countless books about what to do with a new baby. No one knows how to react when you bring a teen into your life and I have not seen a good book that addresses it.

These ads do a great job of showing what it's like in 30 seconds or less. It's weird, it takes some adjusting and some trial and error but in the end you just do what you think is best. And it's often real, real funny.

My ongoing challenge is getting J to succeed in school. For some reason even though all his classes are set up to help him succeed he still chooses not to work and to fall behind. So now he's stuck doing homework with me each night. I don't know if he's doing that on purpose. I finally asked him last night if he would prefer to do his work during his class at school (the one set up specifically for him to do homework) or if he'd prefer to bring it home and do it with me. He chose the latter. So now I'm considering advocating for him to get out of all his resource classes and just bring home homework. I want to challenge him but I don't want to drown him either. I know he's smart but I think he has some anxiety that gets in the way of his learning. He doesn't think he can do the work so he doesn't.

I love this campaign because it's positive and overall the experience of fostering a teen is positive. It's exciting having him around. It's frustrating and confusing and scary but overall it's positive and I love it.

Eisley has picked up a few phrases from J that she has been testing out lately. "I'll kill you!" "Shuuuut up!" "I don't like your attitude!" "Get over it!" I finally convinced her to stop using the first and I don't think she was please with the reaction from the second so she's stopped that. I gotta admit, each of the phrases is much cuter coming from Eisley.

Some pictures from our recent trip to Prescott for Suns Training Camp. J said it was the best trip yet!

Kaybree, I LOVE that you are always drawing!

I also love that the first word you asked how to spell was "love."


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