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Naughty girl

Last night I put the girls to bed at about 8 p.m. like normal. And just like every night Eisley didn't feel like going to bed.

I did my best to ignore her and went to spend time with J (Brendon was at the Suns game.) We played with nerf guns for about an hour and the entire time I could hear Eisley running into my room and back out. The master bathroom is directly above the kitchen. Eisley apparently doesn't know this.

But alas, she was quiet and we were having fun so I decided to let her play herself to sleep.

At about 10 p.m. I head up to bed. I go to close the door to the girls' room and discover--Eisley has picked out some clothes for tomorrow. My clothes. All her favorites, stolen from my closet and placed on the floor in her room.

I shake my head and laugh, pick up my clothes and close the door to their room. I go to my room and get all ready for bed. I didn't turn on the light because I could see just fine from the light in the bathroom. Both dogs followed me upstairs and were laying on my bed where I could see them.

I said my prayers and began to slide into bed--when I felt a large lump in my spot. I was a little freaked out because it felt distinctly human (no fur and my dogs were where I could see them) and all my children were in bed. I walked over and turned on the light only to find--Eisley. Curled up in my bed and completely covered by my blanket so I wouldn't be able to spot her.

She woke up when I turned on the light and sheepishly told me she just wanted to snuggle with me. You can't turn that down. We snuggled for about five minutes and then I took her to her own bed.

I love that snuggly, naughty little girl!
