I'm honestly grateful I don't live in the world J lives in. He went to his first school dance tonight and told me girls took turns all night twerking and grinding on him. That's all dancing is to him.
I told him that takes all the romance out of it. That all those girls sound like they just want to be used. Where are the girls looking for healthy relationships? He agrees that he wants a relationship but still admits he had a great time.
A few nights ago we did homework together. When he marked a simple question wrong I asked why. He said it would look weird if he didn't get some wrong. To who? Who is telling you it's cool to fail your classes? Who would make fun of you for doing Well?
I've tried to explain to him that culturally we are SO different. He thinks I mean religiously but I don't. To me, I don't fit in with the stereotypical Mormon culture. Yes, I'm a proud Mormon woman and I love my religion but my culture is not defined solely on my religion. His isn't either. His culture is defined by his friends, his goals, his view of his purpose in this world. Obviously religion has a lot to do with all of that for me. It doesn't effect much for him.
I can't change his culture. I can expose him to mine in small doses, just like he is exposing me to his. But the cultures we have grown up in already define us. And we are different. And that is ok.
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