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Big day

J has been pretty emotionless lately. Not all the time, just at big times when I ask him about important things like how he feels about meeting his bio mom.

He shrugs his shoulders says "I don't know. " and changes the subject. I can't tell if he's trying to protect me or himself. Probably both.

Today was the day. He met her. He said it went well. He didn't give too many details. I didn't ask too many questions.

We did homework. We played a game. We talked for an hour about nothing in particular.

Then I went outside to read a book and he stuck his head out to ask how much screen time he has left. And just before he stuck his head back inside he said:

"Goodnight, in case I don't see you. And just to reassure you--I am not going to birth mom's."

I'm not sure why he added that but it made me smile. Not because I think she doesn't deserve him. It's just nice that he wants to stay and nice of him to think of reassuring me.
