He's going to have the best and I am going to be the one to give it to him! I'm realizing now that's been my goal with this whole foster care thing. I feel like I'm chalk full of resources so I feel like I'll make an excellent foster parent. I'm needing help convincing myself that all those camps and programs and resources aren't really what J needs from me. We met J last Monday. We went to dinner at Golden Corral--his favorite. We talked pretty casually. He didn't come off as shy or nervous at all. He did come off as very sweet and respectful. I feel like most kids who've been in the foster care system for a long time are extra respectful--because they are use to dealing with a lot of different adults and so they know the proper way to address any adult and they're cautious. They want to be liked. We did like him. We were able to joke with him a little bit. He told us he likes figuring things out and solving technical issues. He's good...
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