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Easter 2014

Easter this year was so fun. This was the first year I had a child who could actually hunt for eggs! And I got to dress you both in matching Easter dresses! So fun!

Here we are last year and this year. I had to add a separate photo of Eisley because she slept the whole time!
Kaybree got to ride shotgun next to Uncle Brodie in his BMW. All my coworkers thought it was adorable seeing her wave to the crowd like a little beauty queen. She did so great!

Here you are in your matching dresses. Wish I would have gotten a better photo! The quality of this one is not great...

This one makes me laugh. I asked all the kids to sit together with their baskets and here you all are and while Stryker is distracted smiling for the camera, Kaybree sees eggs and goes for it. He had no idea he got an egg swiped! (We put it back don't worry!)

You were so cute hunting for eggs. You'd pick one up and put it in your basket then see another one, point to it and say "I want that one." and We'd say "Ok go for it!" and you'd run off and get excited when you grabbed it and shook it. So cute!
