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June fun

 June has been full of trips this year. Memorial Day was later this year and as usual we spent it in Mexico. The house was amazing but the beach was not ideal. It was full of rocks that made it impossible to go swimming--until the last night of course. On the last night there were hardly any waves when the high tide came in and covered the rocks. The kids went kayaking and loved it! 

Then Kaybree turned 9. Can't believe you're that old! We celebrated with a few friends at Skateland. You got new skates for your birthday from Grandma Vance and were so excited. When we arrived you asked for a skate mate--a PVC walker thing to help you keep your balance. you used it most of the night but when Brodie and Johnathan offered you cash to skate without it, you had no trouble. As usual, it's your own doubts holding you back. 

A few days later it was off to Utah for the MCO performance. We stayed in an awesome Air BnB on a farm. Outside there were horses, chickens, goats, ducks, turkeys, geese, dogs and cats. There was also a huge rope swing, a carousel, a water slide and five trampolines. Everyone in Utah complained about the heat wave they received that week but the 90-degree weather felt perfect to me! You girls went horseback riding and learned how to feed the chickens. The homeowners don't attempt to house the chickens. They roam free in the fields and snack on bugs. Every morning and every evening if they see people walking on the road they come running from all ends of the fields to be fed. It's so funny seeing them all run. 

Poor Kaybree was worn out after two practices on Friday. We worried she would be miserable but after the concert on Friday night she was glowing. 

"That was SO much fun! I couldn't stop smiling!"

I'm so proud of you for getting through the rough practices and enjoying singing with the choir. We all got to go to the show Saturday and it was awesome! I even got to pick you up early and let you sit with us for the last half of the show which was really fun. 
