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Burning Bridges

In season 9, episode 21 of The Office Andy decides he needs to move on from Dunder Mifflin but then reality sets in and he realizes what a huge mistake it is and he goes back--and then he remembers his dream and decides the only way he can move forward is if there is no option to move backwards. He spends the rest of the day making everyone mad and being a terrible employee to ensure he can never go back to being an employee there. That's kinda what J did this week.

He left on Wednesday for no real reason. Someone made him mad online and he decided to try to confront that person in person, even though he knew he should be staying home (and the smart thing would have been to just turn off your phone). Once he was out he decided to stay out. He wanted to test it out. Went for a walk. Met up with some friends. Smoked a cigarette or two. Decided not to go home.

When he came home last night he told us he had no excuse. He had no reason. He just wanted to do it. It was impulsive. It was deliberate.

I asked what he expected from us. He said he expected us to stick to the contract and kick him out. We didn't kick him out though. He did. He made that choice. He made it even after we warned him not to.

He expected to be done then and there but we told him in the contract it says 30 days. He's welcome to stay for 30 days and take that time to find somewhere else to go. We're not mad at him. He's not mad at us. He still wants us in his life--he just doesn't want to live with us. Honestly, I'm OK with that.

He has no savings.
He has no job.
His grades are starting to drop (which they usually do at this point in the semester).
He has no phone.
He has no friends currently living on their own that he can crash with (unless you count the one currently living in his car)

My biggest fear right now is he's going to get back on his meds next week and realize what a bad decision this is and try to back track and I don't think I can do that. Would you hire Andy back after he pooped on your car?
