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Little miracle

I woke up Thursday feeling anxious and ready. I'd been waiting since Saturday for another appointment and it was finally time. Brendon and I drove separately because I had to go directly to work after. We hit construction on Elliot and had to flip around to get on the freeway, delaying us a few minutes. As soon as I got on the 60 I saw the sign for a huge accident, freeway blocked. I pulled off the freeway and text Brendon but it was too late. He was stuck. He spent 50 minutes stuck behind the accident and I was 15 minutes late for my appointment. As if the day wasn't bad enough.

I came into the office fighting back tears but they allowed me to sign in and take a seat. I'd have to go through with the appointment without Brendon. Then Dr. Holmes got called out to deliver a baby. It would be a couple hours before he returned. I told them I'd wait. I had no choice. I had to know.

The long wait gave Brendon a chance to get through traffic and when Dr. Holmes finally returned and did the ultrasound all that stress melted away. All my worries from last week, all the hours of crying, were for nothing. Baby is fine. There's no issue with the sack. There's no reason to worry. The bleeding should stop any day now (and it has so far!)

We're fine.

Mostly. Still measuring a week behind but I guess that's OK. Small baby.

We went to a seminary training Friday evening and the instructor taught how we cannot accomplish anything great without the power of God. We get that power by having faith and righteous action and then the power is given to us in 3 ways:
Heavenly Father takes care of the problem directly.
We are strengthened so we can take care of the problem.
The problem is not solved and it stays with us.

We experienced all of these. At first we received no answers. We went in Saturday for what we thought would be answers and we got nothing. We had to endure a little longer.

Yet, we were strengthened in our waiting. We knew we would be OK (though I had little hope the baby would be OK). We just wanted to know.

Finally the answer came. The baby is OK. Our miracle has happened.
