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I'm here

It's after 11 and I'm sitting in the dark, listening for the sounds of skateboard wheels on the road outside. I was asleep. I'm very tired. But here I am.

I'm not sure why I'm sitting here. I had a fine day and no trouble falling asleep when my head hit the pillow at 10. But I know it's been a rough day for you. You lost some friends and accidentally took it out on others. You don't know who among your circle to trust right now.

It has nothing to do with me. You didn't even sound upset when I spoke to you on the phone. But I worry. So here I am.

You told me you're spending the night with a friend. This is a usual occurrence and I have no problem with it. I'm not sitting here because I think you're lying or in any danger.

I'm sitting here just in case you stop by and feel the need to unload your thoughts. I'm sitting here so I can remind you that your feelings are legitimate and ok. I'm sitting here just in case you want to talk. It's all I can really offer you most of the time so it's a job I take seriously. I should be sleeping. But I'm here.
