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The terrible 3s are coming!

First this:

Then this:

Kaybree, you are two months away from 3 but already getting a little more terrible. I feel like it's possible there are less meaningless tantrums (which is what made 2 pretty terrible) but more absolute defiance. I'm trying to get you to cooperate with me doing your hair or getting dressed or getting your plate into the sink and you do not want to listen. At all. It's very frustrating.

Most of it began when you decided you're done with naps. How can I argue with you when you say something like "I think I'll take a nap now." and then come out of your bedroom 15 minutes later saying "Just kidding, I'm not weally tired." You're so funny! You don't nap but then by 5 p.m. you're really tired so you get cranky and if you don't sneak in a cat nap the cranky turns to loopy and getting anything done is impossible. I'm trying to institute quiet time. You don't have to nap but you can't come out of your room for about two hours. Sometimes you even end up napping!

You're also doing everything for yourself--when it's convenient. You still want my help to get on the potty (every time I'm in the middle of something)--unless we're out in public. Then you don't want me in the stall or even the bathroom. You never want my help to get dressed--unless the outfit you chose yourself is not working. You insist on wearing dresses every single day, the frillier, the better. Your diet is 80% cereal. Sometimes it's in a bowl with milk, sometimes in a bag, sometimes in a bowl by itself but you have to choose the bowl yourself.

This new stage has been exhausting for me. I'm not one to yell or argue so I just give up and take a seat and let you run wild until you decide you really need me. Doesn't take too long--you're too bossy to let me sit down.

While I'm exhausted and seriously fearing your teenage years, you're also still as adorable as ever. I kind of love that you love to wear dresses every day--I just wish sometimes you'd let me choose the dress! You're crazy loopy and causing some trouble with your sister but when you get excited about something there's nothing better. You're learning to say sorry.
(The other night we were talking before bed about something you wanted to do the next day.
Me: Maybe we will if you're good.
Kaybree: Sorry!
Me: You can't be sorry, you haven't done anything yet.
Kaybree: Can we go? I said sorry!)

You are becoming quite the performer at home. You put on endless concerts for us. You dance and make up your own songs and when you're done Eisley and I have to clap--of course.
I want to get you into dance lessons for your birthday but Daddy doesn't think it's worth it. It's totally worth it. Don't worry, it'll happen. He doesn't think you'll listen to anyone but that's the thing--you listen to anyone but me!

You also got into preschool! Yay! So next year you will go to Montessori with your cousin Teagan. I'm so excited for you! You're going to love it!

Lately you've been saying hippo instead of elbow. It's adorable! I love your little voice. Your dad and I are always talking about how cute it is to hear you talk! I just want to keep your sweet little voice the way it is forever!
