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Little Eisley

Eisley, you just know how to melt hearts. You are everyone's favorite hugger.
People you absolutely love to hug:
Grandma Duck
Grandma Bonnie
Grandma Vance

Any time you see these people you let out a scream and try to get to them ASAP and then collapse on them in the sweetest little snuggle. It's so freaking cute!

I blame your snuggles for the fact that you are still not walking. Grandma Duck is quick to point out other kids also give good hugs and are still able to walk but seriously--no one hugs like you. Your hugs do not end. You are completely content just sitting and snuggling in someone's lap if that someone is one of the people listed above.

I really am doing all I can to get you to walk. I borrowed a walking toy from Katie but you scream whenever I put you on it (though you HAVE walked with it so physically it's not an issue). I make you stand up every time you come to me and I'm always trying to get you to walk along furniture. You're doing much better than you were a month ago, you're up and down all the time now, but still not interested in balancing on your own. You have this fear of falling on your bum. You're driving me nuts!

You're copying our talking a little more and every time you talk it just makes me laugh because you get the most excited smile on your face. You copy people when they say things like "Stop!" or "Let's go!" or make random noises. You still don't really say no but you say "Uh uh!" instead. It's really funny. You mostly say "Uh uh" when people are asking for kisses or to hold you. You're not afraid to say "Uh uh!" when you don't want to go.

You're getting better at communicating your wants but it's mostly in the form of screams. It's driving Daddy nuts but your screams are kind of helpful for me to figure out what you need. Must be hard for you to get what you want--since you won't stand up and walk for it!

Now that Kaybree is being such a punk so often I'm really enjoying having a baby around. You are always happy to see me and so smily. I love it! Thanks for being my sweet little girl! Now walk.
