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I'll cry with you

 Kaybree and Eisley started at a new school yesterday. It didn't go great. We were more rushed in the morning than I wanted to be. We waited too long to do a father's blessing and of course when we did it, it made Kaybree cry. So we left the house in tears. The bus was early and because it's new to us, the girls ran and hopped on. I didn't get a "First day of school!" happy, smiley photo.

I got heartache. We watched the bus drive away. I knew Kaybree still had tears in her eyes.

I worried throughout the day. The cookies I made for after school did not turn out great. Too much flour. I also ran to get Aspen from Grandma Vance and missed getting the girls from the bus stop. 

Kaybree was melancholy right away. When I got home a few minutes later the tears were flowing. We sat on the beanbag and I held you as you cried. I cried with you. 

"I don't know anyone in my class."

"I was the only new kid."

"I didn't know what was going on. The teacher said to write in your agenda and I didn't even see that she wrote something on the board."

"My seat faces away from the board so my neck hurt all day."

"I couldn't sit with my friends at lunch."

"All my friends are in a different class."

"I missed art because I decided to do strings and I love art."

"I don't even know where the bathroom is!"

"What is Cougar Cash?!"

And what I got from Eisley:

"Guess how many friends I made? THIS MANY!" (holding up 5 fingers)

You were both in the same position. You both started a new school with no friends in your class. You both rode the bus, ate lunch, met a new teacher. Your personalities are just so different.

Kaybree, I hope you know that even though you're a real big pessimist sometimes, I still love you. All your complaints were valid. Everything you felt yesterday was real and it was hard. But you can do hard things. And when you can't, I'll hold you. I'll cry with you. 

Watching you do hard things is hard for me too. But I can do hard things. Together we can make a plan to find the positive. We can recognize that sometimes we have to be the one to make a friend first. It's OK to ask questions. It's OK to learn. It's OK to be different and feel different. 

I know it will get better. These things take time. Here's hoping today is a better day!
