Today is Kaybree’s birthday! And we have not seen her yet 😬

This year’s husband and wife training for seminary teachers was held in Flagstaff and Brendon and I have been away, studying and learning and growing together. Unfortunately that means we’ve been away from our girls and Kaybree was not happy that we would not be home. We’ll make it up to her in a couple hours when we surprise her with her new puppy.
But for now we are driving and we have plenty of time to reminisce about the day ten years ago that we became parents and the beautiful girl we have in our family today.
Kaybree, you are one of my best friends. I feel like I could hang out with you any time and tell you anything. I love sharing with you and I love how interested you are in me and what I’m up to. I love how kind you are to those around you (although could you be a smidge nicer to your sisters please?!) I love that you love to learn and create. I love that you love to make a space yours. We just redid your room together and it was a blast to pick out paint with you and clean and organize.
You are just beautiful inside and out. You’ve been looking forward to this birthday (and talking about it nonstop) for months. I hope it’s all you dreamed of!
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