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Catch up

It’s been so long since I have written anything down. But right now the house is quiet, everyone is in bed but me and I’m listening to a podcast that is reminding me the importance of writing down my story.

We still get J’s mail but his visits are short. He quit his good job. He went back to couch surfing for a while until he got hired at Goodwill and now he’s been there for a while, working 25 hours a week. Dana let him move back in. He’s right across the street from us and yet you’d think we live an ocean away. 

I went and spoke to Brendon’s classes on Friday. He likes to open it up to allow them to ask me whatever they want. Most of his classes did not go well. I was awkward and I’m replaying what I SHOULD have said over and over. The one class that was good seemed very interested in how we can have a successful marriage after seeing our parents divorce.

We told them we learned what not to do. For Brendon it’s staying away from drugs. For me it’s honoring my spouse and making my marriage important. 

They also asked how we each coped not having a priesthood holder in our home. I couldn’t help but cry. Kelly Painter was how I coped. He took me under his wing and made sure I felt like his daughter any time I was in his home. He took me with them on family trips. He always said hi. He learned what I liked and celebrated what we had in common. Even when Melissa got into BYU and I didn’t, he was prepared to do whatever he needed to do to make sure I could go. 

He’s sick right now. He’s been in the hospital two weeks and will be in for a while longer. Initially it was Covid but his kidneys are failing. He needed dialysis and then surgery. 

I want to share the way he cared for me growing up because I want people to know the impact they can have. That clingy kid down the street needs you. And you have a choice to ignore them or bring them in. He always brought me in. 

The girls are growing so much. Kaybree is getting a teenager’s attitude but is also a really cool chick to hang out with. Eisley is as unique as ever. Aspen rules everything and everyone. 

Earlier today Aspen was whining that she wanted to go to the park. I was cooking and did not want to go to the park so I told her that. The whining continued and I told her we were NOT going to the park—unless someone else wanted to take her. She immediately stopped complaining and said “OK. Kaybree will.” Kaybree was in the other room watching tv and could hear the whole argument. She laughed at Aspen’s confidence and then she did, in fact, take Aspen to the park. 
