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New calling

 I’ve been in Young Women’s for forever. I’ve had a few callings outside the organization but for the most part I’ve been with the young women. Always the youngest girls.

It’s been a comfortable place for me. It’s given me a great testimony of the importance and the purpose of women. It’s given me a great perspective on what the organization should be and what I hope it is for my own daughters. I’ve felt such a responsibility to teach the girls how loved they are. How they are never too far gone to take advantage of the atonement. How important they are for the future of the world. Women are so powerful.

Tonight as I was asked to take a new calling I cried. I’ve been asked to be part of the primary presidency. I don’t actually know why I cried.

Part of it was because I really love the women who are young women leaders. I don’t want to lose those friendships and having callings together makes keeping friendship convenient and easy.

Part of it was because I’ve always felt guilty that I don’t connect enough with the girls. I try but I’ve never been great at it. Now in primary I know I’m not going to connect with those kids and I hate that I feel that way. I don’t want to have that attitude.

I also don’t know any of the primary presidency or teachers. I don’t know the role of the presidency. I have this idea in my mind that the presidency is old women and I don’t want to be an old woman.

I was told my name came up quickly and there wasn’t much to think about to decide if this was right for me. I know there will be growth.

I feel like being in young women’s taught me the value of women. This calling will teach me the value of children.
