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Have I seriously not written since December?

 I write when I'm emotional about something. It's my way of venting. So I guess it's a good thing I have written since December. At the same time there's a lot going on in my children's lives that I'm not writing down.

We're at such a sweet stage. Kaybree and Eisley are getting old enough to enjoy the crafts I've waited years to share with them. They're also old enough to try new things and really establish who they are.

 Eisley joined chess club this year. She's the only girl in the club but it gives her something social to do once a week and she enjoys it. Of course she would rather spend more time with her group of friends--all the loud and fun girls in her class. We allowed her to invite 7 friends over for a birthday party in February and it was loud and crazy. Very crazy. 

Kaybree is still in MCO choir. They had their virtual concert over the weekend. It was pre-recorded and edited together--all the choirs from all the different states. We had to watch very carefully to spot Kaybree just a few times. It was still exciting. I love seeing her be a part of such a great thing. The concert and the music was amazing. 

Aspen is almost too cute to handle. She speaks in full sentences now and is understanding context. The other day she had skipped a nap and was pretty crabby so I took her in to see Brendon to say goodnight. 

Brendon: " Going to bed already?"

Me: "Yeah, she's pretty grumpy."

Aspen: "No I not! I happy! I happy!"

She knows if she wants to avoid bedtime she just has to find someone willing to snuggle. We're all willing victims.

Her curly hair and big smile gets me every time. I love this age when kids are so free to laugh at themselves. I wish that stayed longer. 
