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Been reading about choices this week in the scriptures. I taught the young women today about Mormon 7-9. I didn’t do a good job. I could get my words out. I wish I could just write something and have them read it instead.

But the topic made me think a lot about J. For three years I did everything I possibly could to make his life easier. I found him tutors, ways to make money, supportive family. I gave him everything and still found myself asking “what more can I do?” And still he chose none of it.

I can just imagine the Savior. Giving me every opportunity to have an amazing life. Why wouldn’t I want that?
Because social media was more interesting.
Because I was too afraid of failure.
Because I didn’t trust it.

What has the Savior put into my life that I am not taking full advantage of? What talents am I ignoring? How can I be better?
