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Aspen at 4 months

We took you for your four month check up today, Aspen. You are 15 lbs (67th percentile for weight) and in the 99th percentile for height. The doctor told me I'd be the shorty of the family. You're going to be a tall girl!

He was impressed with your head control. I reported that you're sleeping about 8-3 most nights. Apparently that's normal. Somehow I had in my head you should be sleeping through the night by now. Wish you would!

Besides the sleep deprivation I'm loving this stage. You're responding and smiling all the time but it still feels so new that it's exciting every time. You've just started waking up happy in the mornings so that's fun to see.

Your smile always seems to have a hint of a laugh in it. You don't just smile, you smirk and turn your head in this way that seems shy.

You've got a great double chin and big blue eyes. Your cheeks are so soft and kissable!

You loved going to Eisley and Kaybree's soccer games and getting to sit in your stroller. You love being pushed in the stroller.
The bath is your happy place. Even when you are fussy you calm right down in a bath and it's easy to get smiles out of you. You don't even mind when the water goes in your face. Sometimes I put you in the big tub with Eisley and Kaybree and let you float on your back to rinse you off. You love it!
You love Daddy! He can almost always get you to smile. He's working real hard on getting you to say "dada" and you can tell you're trying!
I may not like waking up with you each night but every time I do I can't help but take a moment and enjoy holding you asleep in my arms. You are such a sweet baby!

In other news we tried soccer this year for Kaybree and Eisley. You both hated it. I liked it. I liked sitting in the grass and watching you chase after the ball. I loved waking up on Saturdays and having somewhere to go and knowing you would be off the TV for a few hours. I loved seeing you interract with other players and competition in general.

Things I learned about Kaybree:
You're a little too shy to be competitive. You shy away from kicking the ball if there's a chance you might kick someone else.
You enjoy being goalie
You're good at running
You LOVE playing soccer against me and Dad. You're not afraid to compete with us!

Things I learned about Eisley:
Sports may not be your thing...
You run like a grandma. Your arms are bent at the elbow and pumping diligently at your side. You look so cute and kinda silly and it mostly ends up being a jog. You CAN run faster but those are rare moments.
Whenever the ball comes to you I can see your mind warming up to kick it but while you're getting geared up, another kid comes in and kicks without thinking. You're over thinking and missing out.
You prefer sitting on the sidelines or playing with your teammates.
You really like practices where everyone gets an equal shot and you can play with your friends

I'm looking for dance classes now since you've both requested that and next year you'll both be doing MCO as well. I've got to find ways to make you both more active! But I love you even if soccer is not your thing. Something will be your thing and I can't wait to find it!
