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Two months

I am two months away from having a baby. Two months. And in those two months I'm concentrating on holidays and family and I think it's going to fly by. It's so crazy to think about.

I had my final ultrasound last week. The baby is over 2 pounds right now and the Dr expects her to be right around 8 lbs when she arrives. She's measuring right on track and looking very healthy. When I feel her move she takes up all the space. How can someone so small take up so much space?

I don't complain about her movements though. She doesn't move a ton. She's not like Kaybree who bruised my ribs from kicking so much. I suppose there's still time for that. She still just has small movements and never for very long. I wonder if that says something about her future personality. Is this a super chill baby?

We changed her name. I was hearing Avery way too much--it's too popular. So we're going with the name I originally wanted more than Avery which is Aspen. We also decided to change the middle name and go with Rene, which is Brendon's grandma's middle name. Aspen Rene. I love it!

I still don't have a nursery set up and I don't have any clothes for her either. I've got maybe 5 outfits. I've got a good supply of diapers started. I keep looking at new baby clothes and almost making the purchase and then remembering she's coming right after Christmas and my co-workers are planning on throwing me a shower and so then I just tell myself to wait. Waiting is hard but I'm just not wanting too much stuff. I want to keep it minimal. I want her to have just what I want her to have and nothing more.

I think because I think and hope that these final months will fly by, they just might not. I'm enjoying feeling the little kicks and having this constant reminder of life inside me but I don't enjoy sleeping (or not sleeping) or trying to find clothes I can feel good in (there are none.) I also don't enjoy the comments from everyone. They're all the same. Lots of "You're so cute!" when I know this is not me at my cutest. I know it's not my worst either, obviously there's a reason I've gained 25 pounds, but I'm not a fan of the constant reminder. And the constant "How are you feeling?" Honestly I feel pretty much the same that I did yesterday and 6 months ago. I'm not sick. I'm a little short of breath. I'm not sleeping real well. But I have nothing to complain about and that constant question makes me feel like I need to come up with something!

Overall I'm excited. I can't wait to meet you, Aspen Rene.
