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10 years

Ten years ago I got a call from Amy. She told me we were needed at the hospital. Michelle had been there for a few days. She'd been there on and off for weeks. She would be sent home, then fall and need to go back. It was terrible every time.

This time when I got there Mom, Dad and Aunt Karen were all in a conference room and they told us the doctors were out of options. They could try a potential surgery but it probably wouldn't work and it would be painful. She was in a coma with a machine helping her breath and they had decided to make her comfortable and let her go.

We sat by her bed all day. We cried and laughed and remembered. And just like Michelle, she waited until we had mostly left to finally pass away.

Today Katie wants to release balloons. I told Jose he can come or not. He chose not because he didn't know her. I think he would have liked her.

She didn't try too hard to be nice. She wasn't particularly outgoing but if she didn't have anything to say she didn't jump to awkward small talk. She would throw out a growl, or a screech or just make a face. She was always the best sister possible. She went out of her way to invite me to do things or talk with me. She truly lived each day like she was dying. I wish my kids, and Brendon, had had the chance to meet her and know someone so beautiful.
