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Fasting to become bishop

This week we'll finally find out if Brendon will be hired to be a seminary teacher. It's been an interesting process. Each month the spouses are invited to attend a special training and each month the message is about finding joy in the journey and trusting the Lord.

It has been explained to us over and over that if you are not hired all full time it not about your worthiness or your effort. It's really just that the Lord is not calling you to do this work at this time.

When we were discussing whether or not we would fast this month for this issue Brendon said it feels like fasting to become Bishop. If the Lord wants you to be a bishop, you will be. You don't need to fast for it.

I of course feel nervous about this. We have no back up plan. We have found nothing that brings Brendon as much joy as this does. I can't imagine his reaction if the answer is no. But Brendon said he feels peace.

The youth theme this year is D&C 19:23. Learn of me, listen to my words and walk in meelness and you will have peace in me. I need to do more learning, listening and walking. I need more peace in my life.

I do not doubt that this process is inspired. I feel at peace knowing that even if Brendon is not hired, someone wonderful will be. That we will be lead to something great and we will grow as a couple. I love the Lord. I love this church.
