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I think we should have a baby

Eisley was a surprise. We're not shy about that. I was on birth control and Kaybree had just turned 1 when I found out I was pregnant with #2. I'd only had one period in between. Brendon couldn't wrap his mind around it for the entire pregnancy. We had to move and when we did we had nothing set up. Didn't help that she came 2.5 weeks early.

After Eisley we felt like maybe there was one more waiting for us--but not yet. I was still young. We had time. Maybe we'd have another later.

And then years passed. Brendon swore off having more children. We decided to foster. We moved. I got rid of every baby item I owned. We proclaimed that we were done...

And then I started getting baby hungry. I shook off the feelings ok but kept it in the back of my mind. And then Brendon told me he had gotten this feeling that we might want one more baby. And then about a week later he turned to me during sacrament meeting and said "I think we should have a baby."

That was just after Christmas. I stopped taking my birth control. We told J. We went to Six Flags so I could get my final thrills in and the entire time we talked baby names and things we wanted to do differently.

On Wednesday I found out I'm pregnant. That's right, 4 weeks after I stopped taking birth control I find out I'm pregnant. I don't mean to brag but my body is pretty incredible.

Actually I'm a little nervous about bragging because I don't think I have any friends left who've not had a miscarriage or trouble conceiving in the first place. But I'm excited. And Brendon is excited.

He's so excited he has already told everyone. He told the girls and they no longer talk to me, they only talk to the baby. J thinks if it's a girl he gets to name it (yeah right!) My due date is Oct. 3 but because both girls were early I imagine this baby will come in September.

Ever since I found out I'm pregnant I've been seeing girls ask on Facebook how they can convince their husband to want another baby. It kind of makes me smile. I thought we were done. We told each other we were done. Suddenly we are not done. Now that Brendon is excited it makes me even more excited. I can't wait for this little baby (and we are assuming it's a boy because--it has to be!) to arrive. I can't wait to feel my body expand. I can't wait to experience this with Brendon, Kaybree, Eisley and J all cheering it on. We love you already baby #3.5!
