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Where do I begin?

So much is happening and yet when people ask me "How is it going?" I really don't have anything to report.

J is great. He's a really good kid. He gets distracted easily, he's messy, and he doesn't respond well to authority but he tries to be helpful, he's always home a half hour before whatever curfew we set and he's doing well.

It's a tough transition going from two, shy little girls to an outgoing teenage boy but we're working through it. I reached out to our agency for some counseling/parent coaching for Brendon and I. Turns out I'm a little more flexible (easily-manipulated depending on how you look at it) than Brendon is. I wouldn't saying it's causing problems in our marriage, cause that boy is stuck with me, but it is causing some riffs. I need clear rules and reasons for the rules before I feel comfortable enforcing them. With no reasons I cave easily. I want to give J the most normal teenage life possible--like the one I had--and that's just not always possible.

The therapist has come a few times but so far we've mostly just signed papers. I've never had a therapist before so I'm interested to see how it works.

In the mean time we're moving. Still waiting on that final closing date but it'll be sometime in the next few weeks. We were able to sell our house in three weeks. Three weeks of pure torture for all of us! It was frustrating to have to keep the house spotless at all times. Our dogs practically lived at Brittany's house and J was kicked out of the home for long stretches of time too. (Thank goodness for his new friend in the neighborhood! He's been there more than he has been at home which makes me feel bad but also makes me glad, that he's found a space to be comfortable.)

It's a little bittersweet leaving our house. We LOVE our little home on Tobin. That's part of the reason it was so frustrating to sell. We love it so much, we couldn't understand why no one was jumping at the chance to buy it from us. But the new house is beautiful. Honestly, the kitchen is my dream kitchen. The master bath is amazing. The back yard is full of garden beds and there are vines on just about every post around the outside of the house. It's adorable. Most importantly it'll give us more entertaining space, an extra bedroom we can use as an office for Brendon and it's a two-story house so the kids can be free downstairs while Brendon works upstairs. Hopefully it'll cut down on the noise.

I'm anxious to move. Kaybree is sentimental just like Brendon so I feel like she'll have a hard time for a little bit. Eisley is good going with the flow whenever. J doesn't like the hassle of moving but he did say at least we'll all be getting use to the new house at the same time, which is true. Hopefully he'll be more interested when he can get the chance to personalize his new room. We still haven't done anything to his current one.

In other news all the kids start school soon. Kaybree will be in kindergarten! That's hard to believe. Eisley will begin preschool and J will begin 10th grade. Exciting stuff!
