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Amy has given Eisley a new nickname. Lazily. It's mean and I should probably be offended--but it's true. Little girl, you sure are stubborn. There's no arguing with Eisley. If something is not going your way, you shut down. Put on that awesome pouty face (I need to get a picture, you have a solid pouty face), fold your arms and give a "Uhn." to any question asked of you.

You also give a very sure of yourself "No." when anyone says it's time to clean up anything that you are not ready to clean up. While the other kids get to work you can often be found vegging out in the same room as them, not touching any toys. It's your thing. Maybe it's a phase?

Last night was Halloween. As soon as costumes hit the stores I decided this year I would give up my fantasies of awesome family costumes and allow you girls to pick out your own costumes this year. So we went to Kid to Kid and I showed you both racks and racks of costumes and said "Choose whatever you want!" and both of you looked around and said "Can we go home?"

Eventually I found two princess dresses you liked so we got them and left and I considered Halloween done. Then about a week ago Eisley started telling everyone she's going to be a dinosaur for Halloween. Don't know where that came from but I feel bad that that's totally not what you got to dress up as. Sorry kid.

So Halloween night comes and I have to beg and plead both of you to get into your dresses. Kaybree was willing as soon as I brought the dress to her and said "We're going trick or treating!" Eisley I brought you your dress, you looked at it and said "Let's just go to Brittany's house."
Me: "You don't want candy?"
Eisley: "No. Let's just go see B."
Me: "You have to wear a costume on Halloween."
Eisley: *silence, tuning me out*

To be fair Eisley did not get a good nap and she already had a bucket of candy sitting on the table from the ward trunk or treat. Eventually we wrestled it on. I did not put up a fight about doing her hair. Once we got outside and the candy started flowing Eisley was more than happy to participate. You even walked the whole way--which is really a miracle. I usually have to carry you everywhere. You did have to hold Amy's hand the whole time and once we got to Brittany's house you happily sat with Lexis and dug into your candy bucket.

We got home, ate some more candy and then Kaybree, Eisley and I passed out on my bed while Daddy finished watching the Suns game. All in all it wasn't a bad Halloween. You girls were excited. Maybe next year you'll be dinosaurs.

This morning I managed to get you both to eat like 5 bites of cereal before you opened your candy so that's a win, right? I'm also planning on going through your buckets tonight and grabbing whatever candy I can to save it for your snack box when we go to St. George in a couple months (the stuff that will still be good then.) I'm considering introducing you to the Switch Witch but honestly... I don't want to buy any toys. We'll see.

I just realized you get your lazy from your mom.
