We've had a good summer. So it's time to include ALL the photos in one big post. We planned a big trip to Provo, Utah at the end of June. We technically went for a wedding but we took two days to get there and two days to get back and stopped everywhere in between.
Of course Eisley ended up getting sick the night before we left. Made for a very miserable little girl the first day in the car but luckily once we stopped for the night the barfing was behind us and you were perfectly healthy the rest of the trip. We just didn't eat eggs. |
I put so much planning into this trip! I made all these games for you to play on a cookie sheet. They were magnetized so they wouldn't slide in the car. Kaybree loved the puzzles. |
We stopped briefly in Vegas. It was freakin hot and miserable. We sweated it out long enough to get lunch and then decided we'd never like to go back again. |
Vegas Temple |
You two held hands the whole way to the restaurant we stopped at for dinner. I love it when you're friends! |
Kaybree farted right when I took the picture. |
Look at that buff daddy! |
Here's where I really fell in love with St. George. This splash pad could not be any more perfect. The whole park actually is perfect but this splash pad is the splash pad all other splash pads wish they could be. |
This was pretty common for the first day. Dang sickness! |
Part of my planning--I also packed purses for both of you full of cool purse things for you to play with. Kaybree actually stole my phone and took this picture but it kind of shows off my hard work in an artsy way so that's cool. |
OK maybe HERE is where I fell in love with St. George. The Children's Museum. Each room is a new place to play and discover. The grocery store. |
A post office with a mail truck. |
A room all about science. |
A castle with thrones, a dragon and a tower. |
Kaybree also took this photo. |
I also packed snack boxes for you girls. All the candy and treats your little hearts could hope for! These boxes were still half full at the end of the week. It was amazing! |
We made a stop at Temple Square in Salt Lake.
And a really cool aquarium in Orem. (I think...)
We went to a concert in the park in Bountiful and ended up spending the entire time on the playground.
St. George also has this carousel which is about $1 to ride. Love it! |
The best pictures are the ones I got of the two of you playing with snails and rolly-poly bugs at Clark and Wendy's house. You were so excited! but those are on Brendon's phone so I have to get them from him.
After our Utah trip we got to meet Baby Adelaide and hang out with the Couchs.
It turned out ok. |

That happened.
Tess and Eisley are just so cute together! |
We recently returned from a trip to California. Brendon and I use to go every year but it's been a while since we've gone as a family. Actually this is the first time we've gone with you girls to just spend time in California so we made the most of it!
We always make you throw your hands up when we go over large bumps in the road. Mostly cause you're just so cute! |
Happy face! |
Grumpy face. |
You two were so excited to go to the beach. We stopped there briefly the night we got to California just to get out of the car!
The next day was Sea World Day. I've read all the in-depth article about how Orca whales live in the wild, as families, and how they've been captured and killed and taken away from all they know to be at Sea World. I know that. It's awful. It shouldn't have happened... but it did. So now what? Can't undo the damage that's been done. At least because they're in captivity now more people will learn about them and see them and respect them. So yes, I took you girls to Sea World to see the whales before the shows are ended forever. Not gonna lie, the whales are definitely the best part. They are gorgeous and amazing and beautiful! But the rest is exciting too.
They have lots of touch tanks for you to touch sharks, crabs, and those little fish that nibble your fingers. |
The Beluga whales kept coming right up to the glass where we were and swimming by. It kind of scared you two but it was awesome! |
Love the look on Eisley's face in this picture. They are amazing. |
Add caption |
There are a few rides in the Sesame Street area. Not too exciting but you two were thrilled. Still too small to ride the good rides! Darn! |
The next day we met Steve and Sherri for breakfast at the Poway Farmer's Market and Sherri insisted we take lots of photos of the girls in all the pretty trees--ya know, to get our family photos done early. Unfortunately you girls weren't too excited to cooperate and the only good photos we got are where the shade cast all sorts of bad shadows on us.
Then it was off to the beach! We set up our shade, ate some lunch and enjoyed the day. Steve and Sherri had watched Bently for us while we were at Sea World the day before and took him for a LONG walk. The next day he was still tired. He got pretty sick on the beach and we were worried about him but thankfully he was just fine when we got back to our hotel later.
Kaybree was much more adventurous than Eisley. Eisley only got in the water when I made her, to clean off all the sand she had collected, but Kaybree went for lots of long walks with Daddy to a sandbar a little ways out. We went to Ocean Beach where they let dogs roam free so Bently followed us everywhere. |
Grandma Bonnie bought you girls these buckets and sand toys to take to the beach. It was great! You probably could have stayed there and played in the sand all day. If Bently weren't so sick I may have let you! |
When I told you to smile you said "Why?" and I responded "So in 20 years I can show you how cute you were." and apparently that worked for you. |
This Husky appears in several pictures. He looks pretty desperate to play with Bently but sadly Bently was not paying any attention to him. |
Of course as we were packing up you decide to do this. Really? Covered in sand! |
The next day we really just packed up, went to Seaport Village and drove home. These trips are always too short.
We saw a live jelly fish in the water so that was really cool. The biggest one I've ever seen! |
We had so much fun and we'll definitely be back to the beach next year!
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