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Looking back

This year has been mostly great. There were times when I felt like it wasn't the greatest--but it was still great. I struggled for eight months to find a job, and I finally did and it's awesome and it's going to make me a better person and a better professional and just all around better. It's been difficult to adjust to the longer hours and my new responsibilities. It's not easy for Brendon to be home taking care of you girls all afternoon while I'm at the office but you two like him more now so that's a huge plus. you finally realize it's fun to play with daddy.
I've heard lots of people talk about simplifying Christmas and giving kids 4 kids: Something they need, something to wear, something to read and something to cherish. That word cherish is being defined differently. Some people are saying that's a want, like a toy, others are saying it's something that they will love more as they age, something sentimental.
I did not follow that this year (you two got lots of clothes and toys and I didn't count) but when I heard a radio personality say "something cherished" could be a letter to a child I thought I should do that. I should write something here, so it's fairly safe, about what I love about you. I've written it before of course because I can't get over how different the two of you are but I'll write it again just so you remember. But first, here are our family photos this year:
Kaybree, I love how independent you are. You always have to make the decision for yourself and while it drives me absolutely nuts, I know it's a good thing because eventually you do decide, for yourself, what you want to do.

And most of the time you make the right choice :)

Eisley, I love how easy it is to make you smile. A simple tickle and you're happy as can be. You're great at going with the flow. And Kaybree, you're eager to follow good examples.

Eisley, you loved this entire photo shoot. You got messy, you had fun, you laughed and laughed. I had to stop you from throwing leaves at me the next time we were playing outside. You always find your own way to make things fun. You have a natural positivity about you that I just adore.

Kaybree, you were a bit of a princess during this shoot. No one was allowed to throw leaves on you. If I leaf got on you, you had to run to the front door to shake it out of your boot. Again, you have to do it your own way because that's who you are.

Eisley has been much nicer to Daddy ever since Mommy has started working late. It's so wonderful!

I love this one because it captures us so well. Kaybree, afraid to get messy and Eisley just crazy and funny. Eisley refused to sit in my lap but came up with her own idea--running behind me and giving me hugs.

Kaybree, for as much sass as you have, you have a natural sweetness to you too. Your feelings are often hurt when Eisley doesn't want to play with you because you love being her big sister so much. You get so excited to be around the people you love. When you have news to share, you can't wait to share it. You act shy, but only because you know how cute you are and you just wait for people to really want to get to know you.

Brendon says the next few photos show Eisley so well. Crying, then happy, then crying again. You do have some rocky emotions but you're very quick to laugh off whatever is troubling you and to laugh at yourself when you make a mistake. There will be times when you're screaming at me for something you want and when I point out that I already handed it to you, you laugh and say "Ohhh!" like it was one big joke. You have such a natural and mature sense of humor.

Candy always makes Kaybree happy!

Not everyone gets to see that smile. You're picky about who you trust and hang on to but once you do decide to love someone you are all in with the best hugs and kisses and smiles ever!

My girls, I love you. Kaybree I love how sweet, and kind and caring you are. I love the way you watch everyone around you to find the best place to fit in. You love to be the center of attention--secretly. You love to be loved and you love ot be the best big sister ever to Eisley. You love to nurture her and take care of her when she lets you.
Eisley, you have the best sense of humor and the best hugs. You're the best friend anyone could ever ask for because you're so willing to go with the flow and make jokes as opportunities arise.
And of course, Brendon, I love you. I love how much you care about your girls. I love the way you'll do anything to make them happy but you have to do it in your own way (maybe that's where Kaybree gets that from). I love how much you love me even when I don't deserve it. I love how hard you work and the standards you hold. I love how dedicated you are to the things you love. I love having you as my companion and best friend.
I can't wait to see what goes on next year!
