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Pretty babies

You two are officially child models! It pays to have an uncle in the modelling world!

Brodie has gotten you both a gig modelling for an inflatable pool toy company called Bestways. There was no audition so it's not like they chose you out of a crowd because you're so adorable--but it's still cool. It was definitely a paid gig so--thanks for buying your own Christmas gifts this year!

I've taken you both twice. The shoot lasts four hours which is way too long for babies.

Eisley went first and unfortunately you nap twice a day so by 10 a.m. you were already a little done. By the time they put you in a little baby pool, you were fine for just a few seconds before you started crying. I felt like after you cried once they didn't want to use you again. The only other time they even asked for you was when they tried to use another kid and he was too chunky to fit in that particular pool toy so they stuck you in it for a second, snap, and done.

About a week later Kaybree got a turn. You did awesome! You're at a great age where when I say smile, you do. Unfortunately your dad always tries to get you to smile bigger and bigger--because it's cute and funny--but you end up looking like you smell something awful and it's stuck on your face. I was able to tickle you or get you to play with me for most shots though to make your smile more natural.You got to model inflatable ball pits and chairs and you loved those.

On Eisley's second turn again they waited too long to request you and you were tired. Then they stuck you in a pool toy and you weren't having it so they didn't even attempt a photo. They kicked you out and used another baby and then they were done for the day! So I don't think your photo will be showing up anywhere. Too bad cause you're really cute!

On Kaybree's second turn they wanted you to do a lot of pool toys. You're not a big fan of water and while they heated the water, it was still a cold day so you were just too cold and refused to smile. The other kids there, including your cousin Teagan, could care less about the temperature. Eventually they just pulled you out of the shot and didn't use you again. Oh well!

Teagan liked the games on your phone better than the games on his iPad so he just sat and watched you play and got excited whenever you won. It was so cute!

You are both so beautiful. So beautiful in fact we've decided we want another one. Consider this a pre-pregnancy announcement.

Brendon approached me a few weeks ago and asked if I had been having any feelings about having a third baby. Eisley is so young so I said heck no! But then the thought was planted in my head. I went to Timeout For Women and saw all these ladies with their little bitty babies and I missed you girls so much and I was kinda getting baby hungry.
I decided to try to read the Book of Mormon really quick and see what kind of feelings I get. I'm not done with it yet (though I'm half way done and it's only been a week) but your dad came back to me and asked me again and we discussed it. We just don't feel any fear about having another baby. We feel strangely calm and ready.
What I have gotten from the Book of Mormon so far is just a clear message to put my trust in the Lord. He knows all things and he knows what I need and he knows how to help me achieve my goals. 

Of course we realized I'll be kicked off my insurance in a year when I turn 26 so that gives us a pretty quick deadline to meet. Hopefully this baby comes quickly!

Kaybree talking update: You always say "my" instead of "I." So you say cute things like "No my didn't!" whenever I say you're cute. It just makes you cuter.
