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Jesus is everywhere

Kaybree, I love that you recognize churches. You get really excited about going to church. Sometimes I use that to make you go to bed (I say things like "Tomorrow, we get to go to church!") That just makes me happy.

On Monday you noticed something on the side of Eisley's car seat. There's a safety warning and a drawing to show how to properly put your child in the seat--and Jesus is holding the baby!

It totally does look like Jesus.

I hope you never lose your love of the church. I also hope to contribute to your knowledge of the gospel. You learn so much from nursery about Jesus and Joseph Smith. I hope through our conversations you learn too about faith and prayer, tithing and baptism.

I hope you know that I know this church is true. I want to raise you in this church because I know how blessed I've been to be a member of it. I know I'm my happiest self when I'm doing all I can to follow the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love you!

Update: Several weeks later we attended sacrament meeting where a man stood up to sing a musical number. His voice was beautiful so Kaybree stopped what she was doing and paid attention to the music. He had long shaggy hair and so Kaybree said "He's like Jesus!" And I gotta say, if Jesus sang, he probably did sound just like him. 
