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Eisley's birth story

I'm not sure I ever wrote down your birth story. And now you are four months old! Yikes!
So things were a bit crazy around the time of your birth. We decided when we got pregnant that we needed to move and for a while we were unsure where we were moving to. We moved in with Grandma and Grandpa Vance for a bit and then were lucky enough to find our home on Tobin.
We spent every night for weeks trying to get it ready to move in but I didn't decorate a room for you, Eisley, because you weren't here and because I really wanted you to share a room with your sister eventually.
With moving and your dad being busy at work and trying to figure out what to do for school, I honestly didn't do much prep for you to come. I kept feeling like I had more time.

At 37 weeks and 6 days I had a doctor's appointment in the morning. I knew Dr. Holmes would offer to strip my membranes and I wasn't ready for you to come-- but I wanted really badly to be done being pregnant. I had the worst restless legs with this pregnancy and weird occasional sickness and I couldn't sleep ever!  
Your dad wasn't ready for you to come either. Work was REALLY busy that week and my appointment was on a Tuesday.

I went to the appointment and when Dr. Holmes asked if I wanted my membranes stripped I said no at first--then your dad said "Wait, we're not going to?" And I said "If you're ok with it, I'm ok with it!" So we did it. We didn't expect it to work, my due date was still 15 days away, but we were hoping it might help things just enough to make you come a few days early at least.

Well contractions started around noon. I was at work at the time. I could feel slightly contractions but I was busy so I didn't have time to pay much attention to them. I had a press conference to go to in about an hour so I decided I would pay more attention to them when i was in the car on my way. As soon as I got there I knew the contractions were really happening. I stood for the whole press conference just to keep active ;)

I text your dad after the press conference and warned him that there were some contractions but they weren't very serious. When contractions like that started in my first pregnancy it was still another 24 hours before Kaybree was born so I figured we had time.

I went about my day and picked up Kaybree and brought her home. By the time Brendon got home my contractions were 3 minutes apart and lasting about a minute but still not very painful. I knew I was in labor but I figured we still had some time. We went for a family walk just to keep things progressing.
Your dad always goes to the gym after work so he needed to shower and get ready for the evening. I told him he better hurry because I knew the serious contractions were coming and I was suddenly STARVING! He got ready, we packed our bags and then we went and got dinner from Smashburger while we called our family to let them know it was happening.

We got home from dinner around 6 and the contractions were starting to ramp up but I didn't want to sit at the hospital for long so I sat down on the couch to try to breathe through them. Brendon kept asking me if we needed to go to the hospital but I really didn't want to go too soon and we still had Kaybree with us. Finally he convinced me it'd be nice to have an epidural while I labored so we called Brittany and David to come get Kaybree and we were off to the hospital!

When we arrived they sent my to triage. My contractions were pretty serious at this point but they never come real consistently so they hooked me up to some machines, checked me (I was at a four) and said they'd come back in an hour to see if I was progressing. If not, they'd send me home.
That was the longest hour ever! I kept asking Brendon every five minutes how much time had passed. The contractions were pretty strong and he was the only one allowed in the room with me so while I tried very hard to breathe through everything I really wanted my Aunt Karen there to help me relax!
I felt so bad for Brendon. He would try to talk to me and then a contraction would come and I needed complete silence so I could focus.

Finally at the end of the hour the nurse came back and said Dr. Holmes had called and told them to admit me. They didn't even check me again! By the time Dr. Holmes arrived I was at an 8.
He arrived just as I was getting my epidural. I felt like the drugs didn't do much. You were coming so fast there was still a lot of pressure.

We joked with Dr. Holmes that I needed to have the baby that night because Stryker's birthday was the next day. When he broke my water he told me we just might do that.

Dr. Holmes had to run home and do somethings and promised to be back soon. He was gone for about an hour and the entire time we were all worried the baby would come without him. I could feel your head in position, ready to come!

Finally Dr. Holmes came back and got suited up for delivery. In 3 pushes and five minutes Eisley was born! 10:35 p.m. 7 pounds, 6 ounces. You had a full head of hair which was absolutely adorable. Once you were cleaned off your daddy fell asleep with you on his chest. It was so cute!

You've been a champ at eating right from the start and we all love you so so much!


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