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Eisley's blessing

You girls are growing up so fast!

Eisley was blessed by Brendon on April 13. Your Aunt Brittany recorded it for us so here is the transcript:

 Eisley at this time we give you a blessing that you will know throughout your life that you are a daughter of were sent here to this earth at this time to be a blessing to those around you.we bless you that you will be a light and a beacon to your friends, your family and to non-members. so they can look to you as an example for help and guidance to lead them to the Savior Jesus Christ. we bless you that you will make good choices throughout your life and be able to keep Heavenly Father's commandments. We bless you to know that when you keep the commandments it brings great blessings and happiness. we bless you that you will be baptized, that you will seek to go to the temple and seek someone worthy to take you there to be sealed for time and all eternity. Eisley, your family loves you and more importantly your Heavenly Father loves you. These things we bless you with in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I've been terrible about getting a photo of you girls in your blessing dress. Eisley, you wore the same dress I used for Kaybree. Our Relief Society secretary gave you both matching bows and bracelets, which I thought was adorable!
Just hanging out after the luncheon. Everyone playing on their phones!
