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The new school

Man it has been too long since I’ve taken the time to write. I started a new freelance position a few months ago and working three jobs has been very time consuming. I also have a TikTok addiction but oh well!

Anyways the girls started at a new school this year and I have been loving it. They ride the bus which means they are out the door early and it’s less stressful for me. Their teachers are all experienced teachers. I know women in the ward who work at the school. The school does a great job making their activities accessible for every family. It’s just nice having them at the public school!

Now on to what I do not like. 

I’m not sure if it is the age or the group of girls but Kaybree’s social life has been all drama! She has made friends quickly but I cannot tell you how often one is fighting with another or all of them are ignoring Kaybree. It’s exhausting! Was I this dramatic in 5th grade? 

Now that I think about it, I’m sure I was. I didn’t fight with my friends often but I often felt like I had no friends. I had friends. I was just finding myself by exploring different friend groups. Oh what a time!

Eisley is doing great in her classes but I have no idea how she is doing socially and that worries me. She says she has friends. She is so laid back I feel like she’s masking her true feelings.

Eisley did manage to scare us all half to death a few weeks ago. 

It was Halloween. Kaybree went home with a friend to work on a project. The girl Eisley usually sits with on the bus went home with her mom because she had volunteered for her class party. There was a substitute bus driver. Eisley got on the wrong bus.

As soon as the bus driver found out, she called the school. The school called us and asked us to pick Eisley up at the school. I was at a doctor’s appointment so brendon went to the school. No Eisley.

The school called the driver and she said she dropped Eisley off at her bus stop. Brendon went home. No Eisley. He starts calling her friends. No Eisley. He tries to call the school. It’s now after hours on a holiday so no one answers. 

He called me and I called a friend who works at the school and instantly started bawling on the phone. She calls the school and gets the exact cross streets where Eislry was dropped off.

Apparently Eisley thought she recognized the park where her bus stop is located. Unfortunately she chose the wrong park. It’s in our neighborhood but about a mile from our home in an area Eisley is not at all familiar with. We called Brittany and before you know it we’ve got about six drivers scouring the neighborhood for her.

Lexis and Stetson found her crossing a very busy intersection at Crismon and Guadalupe. She was still in her Halloween costume—a grandma.

When she got home we hugged and cried for a long time. We snuggled on the couch. The next day I bought her a watch that can make calls and texts and also tracks her location. We may be traumatized forever.

I am still not sure how to feel about the whole thing. The school messed up several times (a teacher should be helping kids get on the right bus. The driver should not have dropped her off. The school should have made sure she was safe at home.) but at the same time I recognize everyone is doing their best. I still cry when I think about it. I can’t imagine what life would be like without all three of my beautiful girls. I love you all so much it hurts! I hope you always know any time you feel lost there is an army of people ready to come find you, hug you and love you. 


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