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Nothing much

 I hate the answer "Nothing much" but lately when someone asks me what's new that's all I have to say. I feel like for once there's no big change on the horizon, no big challenge to tackle and I'm feeling a little bummed about it. 

A quick recap of 2020:

Bently died.

J moved out.

We got Tucker.

We remodeled our master bath and very recently began remodeling the girls bathroom. 

For the first time in a long time we have no car debt.

That's about it. It's not nothing but it still feels... boring.

I'm sure some day I'll look back and miss these simple times. 

Kaybree and Eisley just started piano lessons and it's surprising me how much they are enjoying it. Both girls also discovered they like crocheting but we haven't really gotten past the first step yet (though their chains look great!) I also recently taught them how to play Mancala and they are loving it.

Aspen is talking all the time now--and it actually makes sense. Even Katie commented that it seems like Aspen stopped being a baby and became a little girl over night. I just want to record her all the time. Everything she says is hilarious and her voice is freaking adorable. 

This Christmas was pretty quiet. Most people still aren't getting together for anything so there weren't as many parties this year to rush to. My Dad decided to go to his cabin for Christmas Eve so we celebrated with him on Christmas Adam (I've heard a couple people use that term this year. Has it been used before and I just missed it?) 

Bonnie planned a quick left, right, center game for the kids where Bethany reads a short story and the kids pass their gifts left or right when they hear those words. At the beginning of the game she passed out numbers and the kids took turns picking their wrapped gift. When the number 7 came up no one seemed to know who had it. I asked Eisley what number she had. She said "V." I had to remind her V is not a number.

On Christmas Eve we went and saw The Croods with our girls. Aspen sat for as long as the popcorn lasted and then she was much more interested in walking around. I told her she had to sit or we had to go outside. She considered it carefully and then said "Let's go outside." In the lobby she stood on one side of a bench while Kaybree knelt on the other side and out of no where Aspen said "You want to eat?" to Kaybree. Kaybree said yes and so Aspen bent down and "grabbed" food from an imaginary shelf and passed it across the bench to her. It took us both a second to realize Aspen had started a game of restaurant right there in the movie theater lobby. She's such a smart girl and is growing way too fast.

That night we ate Smash Burger and then watched another movie at home. A very quiet Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Day we had scones for breakfast with the Vance's and the girls were spoiled with clothes from Grandma and toys from their aunt and uncles. With my family that afternoon they were spoiled again with more toys and candy. 

We got Eisley the wrong sized bike for Christmas so we took the traditional photo with Kaybree's bike and we got Eisley a used one a few days later. 

We stayed up late on Christmas making crafts and talking. I love these girls! Kaybree kept saying how glad she was that Eisley was born because Eisley is so willing to share her toys--it's like double Christmas for Kaybree. Also notice, Eisley got makeup for Christmas and very often looks like a scary doll.

The girls love going to Daddy's work. We all helped Brendon move from Mt. View to Highland over Christmas break.

Tucker is a good boy. 

Aspen still doesn't have a ton of hair but I can get some pretty cute curls going after a bath.

We all ended up getting red dresses for Christmas. 

Feels like this is every night lately. All my girls want to snuggle with me and we end up in one big pile.

J did not come see us for Christmas. He went out of town with the family he is currently living with. I still bought him Christmas jammies and a giant box of poptarts. We are still a point of contact for him so we get notices from the school and from the Department of Child Safety when he skips an important meeting or assignment. It happens often. 

Brendon's cousin, Todd, came for a visit recently. We met up at Breanne's house for games but the games never happened as we all just sat and visited. Todd took it upon himself to play with the kids in the playroom. I went in when I heard Aspen cry and Todd said "What is your biggest worry right now?" 

I honestly had a very hard time answering that. Of course I always want to do better with my job. I miss J, the real, deeper connection with J, a lot. But my life is secure, safe and happy. My husband is wonderful. My kids are loving and sweet. The only thing that keeps me from falling asleep some nights are my visions of what DIY home project I want to take on next. 

Todd is writing a book with an old friend and described a bit of the process with me and I told him I had always wanted to be an author. It was my dream as a little girl to be a famous author. Is famous author even a thing anymore? Is it possible that another JK Rowling could exist? Do people read books? Anyways, apparently Brendon had never heard that from me. It got me thinking maybe it's something I should make time for. Maybe I need to be more fearless about writing. Maybe it's a resolution for this new year. We'll see!
