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Why I work

There is a constant stream of blog posts about working or not working moms. Most women post about the best decision they ever made to stay home with their babies and others post about feeling great accomplishment from working outside the home. Others write long posts about doing one but wishing they were doing the other. If all these blog posts prove anything it's that the choice is personal and is different for everyone. There's no right answer.

But for me--I work. It's a choice. We could scrimp and save and get rid of a car and live on beans and rice and I could stay home. But I chose to work. I chose it for several reasons. I've probably written about it before but the discussion never seems to go away so let me remind you:

1. I like our lifestyle. We live a good life. I love to cook and I enjoy having the freedom to see a recipe online and think "Let's make that tonight!" and I'm able to go to the store and buy all the ingredients and make it--guilt free. Or if cooking doesn't sound good it's nice to be able to call home and say "What do you want for dinner? I'll pick it up." We have a lot of freedom and we have that because I work hard and make good money and so we can do fun things and still live within our means.

2. It gives me confidence. It's selfish, I know, but working outside the home gives me self confidence I wouldn't have any other way. Sure, it's a great accomplishment to teach my girls the ABCs, potty train, play the best game of "family" ever or keep the house clean. But imagine how much MORE fulfilled I feel when I'm able to do all of that (in the morning and at night) and also interact with important political leaders, plan meetings and events like a boss and juggle about a million tasks at once. I'm freaking awesome! Do you think anyone is thanking me for vacuuming my living room? Or for my amazing array of voices for each doll I play during our game? Or for keeping my cool while my toddler throws a fit because I wouldn't give her bubble gum for breakfast? No. But do I get thanked for answering quick questions, clarifying important events and reaching out to community partners? Heck yes I do! And that feels nice.

3. I do want to set an example. I'll admit, I feel like I set a better example right now by spending time WITH you than away from you but maybe, just maybe, someday you'll understand why I work. I'm working to provide a better life for you. I want to do even more fun things in the future but I HATE debt and I HATE stress over money so I work to overcome those things. I work to show you you can do anything you want to--even though you're a girl. You can be a great Mommy and a great employee. You can love your family and spend time away from them.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work. I like working. I love that I married a man that gets that and supports that. Who cringes right along with me whenever someone says something discouraging about working moms. He knows I care just as much as any other mom about my kids and my family. He also knows I'm a pretty self-reliant, independent woman who needs to get out sometimes! And that's ok. I love our moments when we all get to be together as a family. I love you all SOOO much!
