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Life changes

I've been at my new job for about a month now. It's a big leap from what I was doing but it's exactly the opportunity I was looking for. I'm so happy my new boss, Nancy, took a leap of faith and hired me. She said she could just tell how bad I wanted it. I did. I wanted it REAL bad.

While I'm SUPER excited about my new position there is some bad news. My commute is an hour long, my office has no windows and I work 9-5:30 so this time of year I get home after dark. I basically get home in time to put Eisley to bed.

It's an adjustment for everyone. The good news is you girls are finally starting to love your dad. Now that you spend regular time with him it turns out he's not such a bad guy! Some day he's going to read this and say "You didn't have to put that in there!" but it's true. You girls have been nothin but mean to him but lately you're loving your daddy time. I love when you love him!

In other news Eisley is talking a lot. She copies everything everyone else says which is just so cute. Down to the "Go Suns!" whenever the game is on.

Kaybree has taken up story telling. It's always interesting to me to try and decipher where the story is coming from. Sometimes it's about something that happened months ago. Sometimes it happened on TV. Most of the time it makes no sense at all. But I love that you're finally voicing what you're thinking.

I am constantly struck by how beautiful you two are and how much I love you. Kaybree, you are the precious little blonde princess I always imagined having. You're so sweet and innocent and funny.
Eisley, you are the best friend everyone needs. You're constantly entertaining, your smile is full of mischief and you give the very best hugs and kisses. I love you so much!
