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Kaybree's birthday!

Happy birthday Kaybree!

We opted for no big family party this year but we still made the day special. I took the day off work and we went to Makutus Island, a big indoor play place in Chandler. I had never been before but I invited Melissa and Brekken to come with us to check it out.

A lot of the structures were built for bigger kids and there were a LOT of bigger kids there (summer camp) so you were overwhelmed at first. In fact you refused to even try to go on most structures and you screamed and cried as I carried you through the maze. I thought for sure once we had been through the whole thing you'd realize it wasn't scary--but just like everything else, if you don't want to do it--you don't do it.

We settled for the toddler play area filled with some blocks and little baby slides until you got comfortable. Eventually Brekken and Melissa discovered a back entrance to one of the big slides that was just a bunch of stairs and once you ran up those one time you were in love and we were able to play for hours! You loved it!

We got some pizza on the way home and said good bye to Brekken and Melissa.

I tried for hours to get you to take a nap but you never did. When Daddy got home it was his turn to take you out. While I stayed home and made cupcakes and wrapped the presents I bought for you from the dollar store your dad took you to the movies, dinner and Toys R Us to buy the Elsa doll you are now in love with.

When you got home we opened presents and ate cupcakes and called it a day!

You are getting so big! I love how excited you get about simple things--but you never do ANYTHING unless YOU decide you want to do it. You are so smart and silly. You are so loving to your baby sister and you're a perfect little mommy to all your baby dolls. Dolls continue to be your favorite toy and if I enter your room after you've been playing for a few hours I'll find every doll and stuffed animal you own neatly tucked into "bed" all over your room.

We also started dance classes--but so far you have not danced. You fell asleep in my lap during your first class so we left early. This week you sat in the back of the class and watched but never got up and danced. Some day you'll decide you want to do it! I hope!

I love you baby girl!
