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An update on you girls

I love it when you talk. You say the funniest things.

Brendon and I went to California for our 6th Anniversary. We rode roller coasters all day and left you two here with your Grandmas. You spent Friday night with Grandma Vance and Saturday with Grandma Duck.
We returned home on Sunday, picked you up and went to dinner at Grandma Vance's house. On the way you were confirming that we were ALL going to Grandma's house.
Kaybree: "You won't leave?"
Me: "No, we're not going to leave you."
Kaybree: "Ok because if you leave me--I will cry!"

One day driving in the car with Shaunelle:
Shaunelle: "Ugh, come on old man!"
Kaybree: "Yeah, my daddy says that too."

Eisley, you are known far and wide for your eager "HIII!" Any time someone says hi to you. It's adorable.
You still refuse to walk but you're pulling yourself up more and that's fun. You're at such a fun and sweet age. It's such a contrast to Kaybree's wild tantrums right now.

I can't wait for you to grow out of these tantrums, Kaybree! You scream and scream and cry and most of the time it's for absolutely no reason. Once you're done, you say sorry, so that's nice. The other day you had a big melt down and then when it was over you asked for a cookie, which I had offered to you before you had your melt down. I told you no, because you've been naughty, and I asked you if you knew what you had done naughty. You said "Yeah..." and then listed off everything naughty you had done in the last hour. Everything you listed was 100% correct and it was so funny to me how much you remembered and the fact that you knew each thing was naughty. Just proved to me that you're brilliant but sometimes you just wanna scream.
