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Potty Training

I taught a lesson in Sunday School last Sunday about agency's role in learning and it made me laugh a little bit. You girls are definitely teaching me agency's role in learning. My best example is with potty training.

I tried twice to potty train you, Kaybree. Twice. The first time was really not much of an effort. You seemed interested so I went with it. You lost interest quickly but it frustrated me because you showed me that you COULD do it--if you wanted to. You could pee on demand, but you hated being asked to go potty.

The second time I really got prepared. I sent everyone else away from the house. I bought stickers. I got a coloring book that came with a bell for you to ring when you went potty. I bought a special potty training doll for you to train while you learned. I set up a tray of treats and I was prepared to stay in doors all weekend until you were trained.
Well, you got sick of that real quick. The treats became bribes. Then we needed to leave the house! It was a disaster. You hated it.

So I said fine, I wasn't going to try again till you were "ready." Whatever that means.

Then a miracle happened. Several months later (a few weeks ago) you began talking about the potty to Shaunelle. She told me to send you in panties the next day, so I did, but I still packed enough diapers to get you through the day.

And ta-da, you were potty trained by the time I picked you up. Seriously. You had two accidents the next day and I think one accident after that and that has been it. A few days after you decided to potty train yourself you decided you were never going back. You DEMANDED to wear panties at all times--even at night. You've never had a dry night--until now. Suddenly you sleep all night totally dry. It's ridiculous.

I'm beyond thrilled, don't get me wrong, but I've known for months you could do it so it's silly to me how quickly it happened once you knew you could do it.

I shouldn't really be surprised. You did the same thing with walking. You could do it at 12 months but you waited until you were sure at 15 months. Eisley is apparently doing the same. (Better hurry up baby, if you don't walk in the next three months we have to send you to a physical therapist!)

I love you girls. You drive me crazy by choosing to reach these milestones on your own timeline but I'm hoping it's helping you learn now how your agency works and how the choices you make can change your life. I chose you and I'm so glad I did!
