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Latest Kaybree communicating

Kaybree, you speak full sentences now, you communicate great, but there are still funny things you say. Watermelon is "memmade." Like lemonade. I have no idea why or where that came from.

You've also begun saying "What da heck?" all the time. It cracks me up.

"I can't." is another new thing. I didn't want you to learn that one (cause come on, you CAN do anything. Pretty sure you picked it up from other kids you're around) but the way you say it is just so cute. I took you to McDonalds and you climbed to the top of the play place but refused to go down the slide. You came back down and said "Mom, I can't." I went up with you and you did it--no problem. We've also been transitioning you to a toddler bed because you started climbing out of your bed and refusing to stay and a couple times when you climbed out of the crib you'd come to the door and say "Mom, I can't sleep." You say it so exasperated it just melts my heart. It's freaking adorable!

You ask to call people on the phone all the time. You always want to call Grandma, Brittany, David and Lexis. You also love to talk to Brekken. Once we call of course you hardly say a word. Sometimes you narrate what's going on with Eisley or you try to get who ever is on the phone to "Look!" at something you're looking at. You look like a little teenager, tipping your head and playing with your hair, when you talk on the phone. Love it!

You've decided it's the polite thing to do to serenade anyone who comes to visit so while the adults are talking in the living room you're spinning in circles dancing and singing and hamming it up.You love Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (you know most of the words to that one) but for company Let it Go is the best. You sing "Let it go, let it go! Help me find the way..." so it's a little "Let it Go-I am a Child of God" hybrid.
Other favorite songs are "Old McDonald" and "Popcorn Popping." The other night at dinner you started doing "Once There was a Snowman" pretty randomly so they must have taught you that in nursery. You've always loved to sing and it always makes me smile. You also love Sia's "Chandelier," I think because you watch the music video all the time with Brittany. You sing along to that one when it comes on the radio and you always tell me "Ooo, I like dis song!"
When you're being goofy "Happy Birthday" is a favorite. I think you love throwing anyone's name in there and you know it makes me laugh when you say "cha cha cha!" at the end.
