I’m suddenly having a hard time finding time to write. Or do anything. The week after we returned from California the world shut down. Brendon and I were asked to work from home. Schools closed. Restaurant dining rooms closed. Everything worth doing outside the house closed. At first I was excited to work from home. Then overwhelmed. Now I’m still busier than I’ve ever been but I have no desire to go back into the office full time. We have fallen into a routine. Each morning Brendon gets up to exercise. He was doing it from home but the gyms have finally reopened so he’s there as soon as the doors open. That leaves me at home caring for our new puppy, Tucker. Tucker is a smart dog. He’s pretty much potty trained at this point and of course he’s adorable because all Old English Sheep Dogs are. But he will not go back to sleep once Brendon leaves. I’m coping. He’s wonderful but he’s no Bently. He deserves his own post. Eventually Tucker barks one too many times and wakes Aspen up...