Coming back to work was not easy this time. You'd think it would be. Amy and Barbara are watching the girls for me so it's not like I don't have awesome support at home. It's my third kid so it's not like I haven't done this before. But maybe it's because it's been a while since I've had a baby? Maybe it's because I know so much more about child development now? I feel like Eisley and Kaybree were so close that when I went back to work after having Eisley (at 6 weeks) I was leaving my baby, yes, but I already had a baby I'd been away from. Both girls were young. Both girls were in constant need of attention. And I had to leave. With Aspen, I look at her each morning and think "But you're so little!" I've been watching you progress and the progression happens so quickly when you are so little. You just started smiling on purpose and often. Your head is finally strong enough for regular tummy time. You just started demand...
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