I'm the worst. The worst, worst, worst. I'll stay up at night worrying about if I packed the right lunch for kaybree or making lists in my head of everything I need to get for the luncheon after Aspen's blessing. I'll spend all day making the perfect bow to match her dress. And all I've done for our 10th Anniversary is think of what I could say in a sweetly worded text in the morning--and even that I failed to do because I'm so upset. I'm upset because you are the best and I am the worst. Because I woke up this morning, the morning of our 10th anniversary, and found a beautiful necklace and card in the bathroom waiting for me. And I have nothing for you. No gift. I always struggle because you're always telling me to stop spending money and even if I spent it, what can I spend it on? You have way too many ties to wear. I have no idea what shoes to get you. I always get you a shirt and you eventually hate them too. There's no jewelry I can get you. I...
Welcome to my venting place.