It was midnight. I'd had contractions all day but it seemed any time I changed up what I was doing (going from standing to sitting or sitting to standing) there was a drawn out pause in contractions. None of them were strong enough to cause me any pain. And now it seemed like they were coming to a stop all together. I showered and then sat in the dark and cried for a while. Brendon begged me to come to bed and eventually I gave in. It didn't make sense. I've never had labor start and stop like that before. I'd been at 3 cm during my appointment earlier in the day and after stripping my membranes Dr. Holmes told me he felt like with 80% certainty I'd have a baby that day or the next. The next was approaching and there was still no baby. Around 2 a.m. I woke up to contractions again. They were still light and I lay there a while trying to decide "Do I sleep through this or do I get up and concentrate on it?" I decided to get up. I went downstairs and sat...
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