I'm not even sure how to begin this. We're about to make a huge life change. It's so big I don't even know how deeply it will effect us. It will change the course of our lives and possibly several others as well. How do you explain that? We've decided to become foster parents. To teenagers. One teenager, actually. We don't know who yet. We just know we have one extra bedroom and one slice of love left to give. My job is challenging. That's not the right word but hard isn't the right word either. My actual job duties are satisfying and sort of come natural to me. I enjoy researching and writing and educating. That's all good. What's challenging is being surrounded by stories of broken families all day and not doing anything to directly effect change. There are so many kids out there in need of a good home and all day I'm a cheer leader to everyone else saying "Get involved!" and yet I'm doing nothing. Yes, I'm busy. I w...
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