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Showing posts from February, 2016

Some things are hard

Girls, some days are hard. Sometimes it's hard to be a mom. Sometimes it's hard to be a wife. Sometimes it's hard to be an adult. Sometimes things just suck. That is all. JK. I love our life but even in our mostly-wonderful life (I have an awesome job and the sweetest husband and the most adorable kids) we can't escape hard things. They're there. But this week as hard things have come up I've also noticed small tender mercies. I didn't know why I felt inspired to do something--but I did it and it led to some heart break for now but also some growth and healing and an answer to someone else's prayers. I don't know why my friend decided to text me the very next day and ask how I was doing but she did. She'll probably never know either but I did let her know it was inspired. Thing is I haven't felt incredibly close to the spirit in recent months. I haven't been studying my scriptures as much as I should be. I ha...

Why I work

There is a constant stream of blog posts about working or not working moms. Most women post about the best decision they ever made to stay home with their babies and others post about feeling great accomplishment from working outside the home. Others write long posts about doing one but wishing they were doing the other. If all these blog posts prove anything it's that the choice is personal and is different for everyone. There's no right answer. But for me--I work. It's a choice. We could scrimp and save and get rid of a car and live on beans and rice and I could stay home. But I chose to work. I chose it for several reasons. I've probably written about it before but the discussion never seems to go away so let me remind you: 1. I like our lifestyle. We live a good life. I love to cook and I enjoy having the freedom to see a recipe online and think "Let's make that tonight!" and I'm able to go to the store and buy all the ingredients and make it--...