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Life has changed. Eisley is walking. Yes, she's 17 months old.

You've actually been taking steps for weeks but you have to be coerced into it. Now you're full on walking. It's glorious.

When we took you to your 15 month check up the doc said to call him in 6 weeks if you weren't walking. You started taking steps that night but it's been literally 6 weeks since that appointment and you were still only walking when we set you up on your feet and begged you to walk. I was getting worried. I wanted to call the doctor, but your dad said no. I was just worried because you were not standing up on your own. You would grab onto things and pull yourself up, but if you were sitting in the middle of the room you could not get up.

Well on Thursday I came to pick you up late from Amy's house and all the girls were running around screaming, being crazy, and all of a sudden you stuck your butt in the air, stood up, and went running right along with them. When you fell, you got back up and kept going. It was amazing!

You've been walking ever since. Hallelujah. Now we can finally play outside and suddenly Kaybree wants to play with you all the time. On Saturday you both ran around the front yard, drawing with chalk and doing whatever, while I sat back and enjoyed how big you're getting. We played house and while Kaybree was preparing for our trip to the store you were busy making us a gourmet meal, walking back and forth across the room to get ingredients. When Kaybree put on her usual singing and dancing show in the living room you stood right there with her, singing your own gibberish song and doing modified dance moves. It was so awesome.

You look absolutely adorable pushing a baby stroller and even walking around the house, you walk with your arms straight out to balance for the most part but sometimes I catch you trying to walk with your hands at your side just to test your skills. I love it!

You're also communicating a lot more. your answer to everything in the past was "Nuh uh." Now it's "Yah." Whenever I get you out of bed you say "outside" to make me carry you out of the room. Whenever you see Crackles stomping around the back yard you say "Turtoo" and you run to the back door to see him. You also say Brittany. And every grandparent is Baba. You yell it at them until they listen to you--and then you gibberish at them.

You are the funniest baby and I love this stage of your life. It's so fun!

Kaybree is also lots of fun these days. You LOVE dance class and this summer you've learned how to jump off the diving board and swim to the edge of the pool so you're the coolest three year old ever. Basically.

Only one more month until you start preschool! I'm nervous only about getting there on time. That will be a struggle for us! And you may not like the dress code. I picture a lot of getting dressed in the car in our future.
