I've always loved writing. I think it stems from a love of reading, which my mom gave me. She always read to us and so even before I could read or write, I would read and write in the same way my babies do now and it melts my heart. Growing up I always wrote books and dreamed of being a famous author but I found I had a really hard time ending my stories. I liked telling the story but I hated ending it. When I discovered newspaper in high school it seemed like a perfect fit. It gave me a chance to write and to tell a story but I didn't have to come up with the ending--I could just enjoy it. As I entered the real world and got a job working for a newspaper my love for the career only grew. On top of getting the chance to write and learn and constantly share what I was learning with others I had a flexible schedule and perks of being the first to know when different events were going on. I met the most interesting people and got to hear from them stories that were so wonder...
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